ju1i3's blog

taste of my cats and garden


Garden Fairies

I read this to my son when he was little. I can't find it now, may well be in a box in the cellar.  As well as I can remember is:


Fairies live at the bottom of the garden, in this old flowerpot.

They are busy every day:

putting dewdrops on flowers

teaching birds to sing

looking after new plants

? now the sun is setting ?

goodnight garden fairies


I bought the set of 3 or 4 fairy stories, one about rainbow fairies, I can't remember the others, from Safeway in Wembley Park, about 1985.

Alice in Wonderland

This is my childhood copy of Alice in Wonderland. It includes Through the Looking Glass. I read it a number of times when I was younger - and recently when I dug it out after seeing a documentary about Lewis Carroll.

accepting cookies or not while browsing

I don't like accepting cookies while browsing so use Firefox and ask to be prompted when a site tries to save a cookie. One very persistent one, which I can't find anything about, is srv-date-increment-parsley.config.com.

eg. srv-2014-08-03-16-parsley.config.com

I just got that request while updating this page. How is that possible? What the heck is it and why hasn't anyone posted anything about it? How can it increment a number in the cookie that it's trying to save on my pc - if it hasn't saved a cookie? I don't understand it all but this is very annoying.

gardens withindoors and withoutdoors

garden withindoors: on the left, a new truffle bottle with a tulip bulb and garden withoutdoors: some amazing borage plants

truffle bottle with tulip bulb







Peter O'Donnell

I love the Modesty Blaise stories written by Peter O'Donnell. I've been re-reading some of the strip stories recently so was thinking of the author. One of the special moments of my life is when I met Peter O'Donnell at a book signing. Actually I met him 3 times at different book signings: Murder One when it was in Denmark St, Crime in Store (where I think this pic was taken) and Murder One when it was in Charing Cross Rd.

Peter O'Donnell and Julie Berk

Monarch's Way

Monarch's Way logo

I'm fascinated with a little-known long distance path called Monarch's Way. It traces Charles II's escape route after the battle of Worcester when he traveled incognito to make his way to a port on the south coast so he could get to France in 1651. Oliver Cromwell's soliders were in close pursuit and would have probably executed him if they had caught him.

The 6-week journey gave Charles the chance to experience life in England as a commoner which no other monarch before or since has had the opportunity to do.

define irony

"after the war Lord Euston devoted himself to the conservation of historic buildings".


The Lost Prince The Life and Death of Henry Stuart

The Lost Prince

This was an interesting exhibit at the National Portrait Gallery. I am losing a lot of sympathy for Prince Henry now that I'm reading how cruel he was to his brother Charles (the future King Charles I) which probably contributed to what a poor king he turned out to be.

Grayson Perry Walthamstow Tapestry

It seems not that long ago I went to see the Walthamstow Tapestry. I'm surprised to see it was 3 years ago. I came across this information sheet about the exhibit when tidying up recently.


Grayson Perry Walthamstow Tapestry


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Garden Withindoors

all about forcing bulbs to have a garden withindoors

all about forcing bulbs to have a garden withindoors - See more at: http://www.gardenwithoutdoors.org.uk/#sthash.2Lid1OGS.dpuf

all about forcing bulbs to have a garden withindoors - See more at: http://www.gardenwithoutdoors.org.uk/#sthash.2Lid1OGS.dpuf
all about forcing bulbs to have a garden withindoors - See more at: http://www.gardenwithoutdoors.org.uk/#sthash.2Lid1OGS.dpuf
all about forcing bulbs to have a garden withindoors - See more at: http://www.gardenwithoutdoors.org.uk/#sthash.2Lid1OGS.dpuf
all about forcing bulbs to have a garden withindoors - See more at: http://www.gardenwithoutdoors.org.uk/#sthash.2Lid1OGS.dpuf

Garden Withoutdoors